This is Hiiro Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine‘s Site (Acupuncture and manual therapy clinic)
Chronic pain, unexplained physical condition, wanting to improve your posture, etc.
If you are looking for acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathic, or manual medicine clinic in Yokohama, Naka-ku, Yamashita-cho, Minatomirai, Yamate, Honmoku, Ishikawacho Station, or Motomachi-Chukagai Station, please contact us.
I studied acupuncture and manual medicine and Qigong as a traditional medicine in China about 10 years.
If you have been suffering from any of the following symptoms for more than a month, please contact us.
Stress or anxiety,
Back pain,
Stiff shoulders,
Eye strain,
High blood pressure,
Get tired easily,
Feeling sleepy after eating,
Infections like colds and flu
These conditions are related to the stresses and lifestyles of modern life.
Surgery, injury, chronic fatigue, lack of exercise, stress, overeating, lack of sleep, etc. cause blood flow to slow down, oxygen and nutrients do not reach every corner of the body, and waste products and fatigue substances are not expelled from the body. As a result, the autonomic nervous system becomes disordered, blood flow stagnates, and the body’s functions decline, making it difficult to resolve chronic disorders.
Medical subject
General internal medicine
orthopedic surgery
sports acupuncture
Obstetrics and gynecology
About the Director
Yuichi Hiiro PhD
・Representative Director of Hiiro Acupuncture Clinic, Inc.

・Executive Director of The Japan Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society(JTAMS)

・Executive Director of the The World Medical Qigong Society

・Representative Director of TRI Approach General Incorporated Association

・1999: Obtained national qualifications in Japan for acupuncture and moxibustion

・Graduated with a Bachelor of Acupuncture and Moxibustion from Meiji University of Integrative Medicine in 2000.

・Graduated with a Doctoral degree from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2011.
Not only does it improve physical pain such as neck pain, neck stiffness, stiff shoulders, stiff back, lower back pain, headaches, elbow pain, knee pain, joint pain and disorders, but it also treats chronic disorders of unknown causes such as autonomic nerve disorders, sleep disorders, eye fatigue, and digestive problems. It also deals with various health problems such as rhinitis, chronic nasopharyngitis, infections and aftereffects of COVID-19.

We can also treat problems for children’s growth and education, chronic diseases, whole body adjustment before and after birth, and cognitive function regardless of age or gender.
Business Hours

Mon – Fri  am 9:30-12:00, pm1:30-5:00
Sat   am9-pm5

Sun, Japaneseholidays closed days

Treatment fees and services
First consultation fee3,000 yen
Standard treatment7,000 yen
Comprehensive treatment12,000 yen
Junior high school student4,000 yen
Elementary school students and below3,000 yen

☑Standard treatment: Acupuncture + manualtherapy (about 30 minutes)

☑Comprehensive treatment: Acupuncture + chiropractic + osteopathy, skeletal, internal organs, nerve adjustment (osteopathy, chiropractic), etc. fine adjustment (about 60 minutes)

Click here for contact information

We are often unable to answer the phone due to treatment, so please contact me via LINE, MAIL, instagram or Facebook messenger.


4F Kantonkaikan 118-2, Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku,
Yokohama city, KANAGAWA JAPAN